April 28, 2008

Circuit Theory Hits WYSP

94WYSP played our song "Mother, May I" tonight on Tommy Conwell's Loud & Local show with some high praise by Tommy himself.

So now that WYSP has our CD, it would be a great honor if you began to request the song be played more.

"But Mr. Circuit Theory Band, how do I do that?"

I'm glad you asked!
You can request a song online HERE:

Or you can call one of the request lines at any time of the day.
215-263-ROCK (7625)
Or text them at WYSP1 (99771)

Hey, just because we're a local band doesn't mean we can't get into the rotation!
If you feel we deserve it, the power is in your hands.

P.S. Our Troc show tickets are no longer available for online ordering. If you still haven't gotten yours, please contact us ASAP to arrange a personal meeting with us between now and Wednesday to get yours.

See you May 3rd!!!!