August 13, 2006

Radio Mention & Reminders

If you happened to be listening to The Kidd Chris Show on 8/4/06 at about 6pm, you would have heard Coz call in and stumble over his words as he is caught off-guard when guest-comedian Geno Bisconte tried to give him an opportunity to plug the upcoming show. If you missed it, you can click here to listen. (much thanks to Sugewhite for providing the audio and Geno for thinking of us)

Which reminds me... to remind you... THIS THURSDAY is the show! Come on. You know you can't miss this one. Be at Rex's by 9pm.

We'd also like to assure you that we will be recording our EP over the next few weekends. There will be approximately 5 songs recorded so keep your ears peeled (but don't let yourself get an infection). We'll have some up here and on Myspace as soon as we can.